Band App

by NAVER Corp.
50,000,000+ installs
  • Play the songs, albums, playlists and podcasts you love on the all-new Pandora. Sign up for a subscription plan to stream ad-free and on-demand. Listen on your mobile phone, desktop, TV, smart speakers or in the car.
  • BAND is trusted by group leaders as the Official Team Communication App for Varsity Spirit, AYSO, USBands, and Legacy Global Sports. ● Be social & stay organized in the same place Community Board / Calendar / Poll / Group File Sharing / Photo Album / Private Chat / Group Call ● Create or join a space that meets your group’s unique needs.

Android application BAND - App for all groups developed by NAVER Corp. is listed under category Social. According to Google Play BAND - App for all groups achieved more than 50,000,000 installs. BAND - App for all groups currently has 442,684 ratings with average rating value of 4.39. The current percentage of ratings achieved in last 30 days is 0.53%, percentage of ratings achieved in last 60 days is 1.22%. BAND - App for all groups has the current market position #1986 by number of ratings. A sample of the market history data for BAND - App for all groups can be found below.Last update on 2021-08-01.

Band App For Pc

Android application info
Title:BAND - App for all groups
Developer:NAVER Corp.

The Metal Show August 6, 2021. Kris Esfandiari stops by to discuss the new King Woman LP on a special 'heavy-but-not-metal' episode of the show.

App installs
Installs (achieved):50,000,000+
Installs (estimated):100,000,000
Band App
Rating values
5 star ratings:303,907
4 star ratings:72,127
3 star ratings:29,015
2 star ratings:9,938
1 star ratings:27,695


2017-08-01:Android application BAND - App for all groups achieved 50,000,000 installs.
2013-07-08:Android application BAND - App for all groups achieved 10,000,000 installs.
2013-03-12:Android application BAND - App for all groups achieved 5,000,000 installs.
2012-10-24:Android application BAND - App for all groups achieved 1,000,000 installs.
2012-09-25:Android application BAND - App for all groups achieved 500,000 installs.
Total number of ratings
Total number of active users rated for BAND - App for all groups.
Total number of installs (*estimated)
Estimation of total number of installs on Google Play. Approximated from number of ratings and install bounds achieved on Google Play.
Average rating
Average rating value on Google Play. Given by active users of the application.

Band Apple Watch

Market lead percentage
Ratings count comparing to the market leading app.
Rating distribution
Rating distribution given by active users.
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