Aquifer Test Software

for Windows
MLU is a Windows Application for the Analysis of Aquifer Tests and the Design of Well Fields in Layered Systems
Program characterization
Product information
Output screens
Test models
Users guide

Aquifer Test Software. AQTESOLV is used for the design and analysis of aquifer tests, including pump test, step-drawdown tests, variable-rate tests, recovery tests, single-well tests and slug tests. AQTESOLV offers sophisticated options for a vast array of aquifer test solutions for confined, unconfined, leaky and fractured aquifers. Aquifer test data conducted for purposes of developing water supplies from tests of a fractured bedrock aquifer in West Virginia and tests of glacial aquifers in the Midwest using MODFLOW and PEST. In the former example, the aquifer hydraulic conductivities estimated by the two methods differed by an order of magnitude and in the latter example.

Program characterization

MLU (Multi-Layer Unsteady state) can be used for drawdown calculations and inversemodeling of transient well flow (pumping tests analysis) in layered aquifer systems and stratified aquifers.

With MLU one can estimate selected aquifer parameters based on a best fit analytical solution to measured time-distance-drawdown data. The automatic curve-fitting algorithm computes optimized aquifer parameters and fitted drawdown results that are presented in graphs and ASCII-files.

Unlike other aquifer test analysis software, often supporting a wide variety of different solution types (e.g., Theis, Hantush, Neuman, Boulton, Papadopulos, Moench, Bouwer-Rice) for usually one and sometimes two aquifers, MLU is based on a single analytical solution technique for well flow that handles:

  • Layered aquifer systems, i.e. multi-aquifer systems (aquifers and aquitards)
    and single layered (stratified) aquifers,
  • Confined, leaky and delayed yield aquifer conditions,
  • Effects of aquifer and aquitard storativities,
  • One or more pumping or injection wells,
  • Variable discharge for each well,
  • Finite diameter well screens in any selection of aquifer layers,
  • Well bore storage and skin effect for each pumping well,
  • Delayed observation well response.

Theoretical background information on the developed and applied analytical solution techniques for multiple aquifer systems has been published in: Journal of Hydrology 90, p. 231-249 (1987) and 225: p. 1-18 and p. 19-44 (1999). You may contact the authors (hemker at microfem dot com) for a pdf of these publications. The applied non-linear regression technique is described in Ground Water (1985) 23, no.2, p. 247-253.

The MLU characteristics allow for all sorts of tests, including variable discharge tests, recovery tests, step-drawdown tests, complex tests in well fields and slug tests. It also handles partially-penetrating and large-diameter wells, bounded aquifers and double-porosity systems.

Hydrogeologists have found MLU to be very useful for quickly estimating aquifer properties such as layer-by-layer transmissivity, storativity, and vertical resistance/conductance based on aquifer testing data, and efficiently incorporating these properties into numerical groundwater flow models for advanced subsurface flow evaluations. As far as we know, MLU is the only Windows tool for evaluating aquifer response to pumping in a multi-layer aquifer system.

Product information

MLU modeling features

Saturated groundwater flow
Multiple-aquifer systems and stratified aquifers
Confined, leaky and unconfined conditions
Multiple wells
Multiple finite-diameter screens
Well bore storage and skin
Variable discharges
Delayed observation well response

Input & Output

Interactive data input
ASCII model files
Data exchange with spreadsheets
Graphs of time-variant drawdown or head
Graphs of time-variant aquifer discharge
Background raster image maps
Animated contour plots
Clipboard bitmap output
Vector-based meta-file output
XYZ-file output of contour maps
File output of computed heads of displayed time graphs
Conversion to MicroFEM finite element model file

Program Capacities

80 aquifers (layers) and 81 aquitards
1000 pumping/injection wells
100 pumping periods per well
100 observation wells
1000 drawdowns per observation well
16 parameters to be optimized in one run
User assigned names for all wells

Parameter optimization features

Automated curve fitting based on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Lineair and log-transformed least squares solutions
Individual and grouped parameters to be determined in one run
Statistical data output includes standard deviations and correlation matrix

Documentation and Support

Fully documented on-line Help
Example data files for all kinds of test types
MLU Users Guide
MLU Tutorial
Excellent customer support

Download the free LT-version of MLU for Windows. It is a fully functional, capacity-reduced version of MLU. It handles up to 2 aquifers and 3 aquitards, 2 pumping wells, 5 observation wells, while 6 parameters can be optimized in one run.

AQTESOLV (AK-te-solv) is the world's leading software for the design and interpretation of aquifer tests (pumping tests, slug tests, constant-head tests) in confined, leaky, unconfined and fractured aquifers.

Since 1989 AQTESOLV has been synonymous with excellence in the interpretation of aquifer test data. In fact, groundwater specialists responding to a LinkedIn poll overwhelmingly chose AQTESOLV as their preferred pumping test analysis software!

Why Choose


AQTESOLV is the orignal all-in-one software package for the evaluation of data from pumping tests, slug tests and constant-head tests.


AQTESOLV provides the most complete set of software tools for aquifer test design, interpretation and prediction.

Free Aquifer Test Software



Standard And Pro

Choose the version of AQTESOLV that's right for you:

  • Standard version for a basic set of solution methods comparable to competing software
  • Pro version for the most advanced features for the design and analysis of aquifer tests

Take A
Test Drive

Find out for yourself how easy AQTESOLV is to use!


  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32- or 64-bit)
  • 6 MB free hard disk space
  • 64 MB RAM (minimum)


Commerical Pricing

  • AQTESOLV/Standard/Single-User: $500
  • AQTESOLV/Standard/Site: $1000
  • AQTESOLV/Pro/Single-User: $750
  • AQTESOLV/Pro/Site: $1500

Academic Pricing

  • AQTESOLV/Standard/Single-User: $400
  • AQTESOLV/Standard/Site: $500
  • AQTESOLV/Pro/Single-User: $500
  • AQTESOLV/Pro/Site: $750

No annual maintenance fees!
All prices in US dollars (USD). Prices subject to change.

What People
Are Saying

Aquifer Test Software

Industry Standard
Interpretation Tool

'AQTESOLV is the industry standard for the interpretation of aquifer tests.'

Dr. Joe Donovan, West Virginia University


'I chose AQTESOLV for its ease of use.'

David Preston, P.E., Peachtree Environmental

Leading The

'I also tested [a competitor's product], but found AQTESOLV to be much more intuitive, stable and just plain fast.'

Tom Davis, Fletcher Driscoll & Associates LLC


'The support for AQTESOLV is unparalleled.'

Harm Maathuis, Saskatchewan Research Council


Mounding Analysis

MOUNDSOLV is our new software product that predicts water-table rise (groundwater mounding) beneath rectangular and circular recharge sources.

Transient and
Steady-State Models

Use MOUNDSOLV to simulate the growth of a groundwater mound under either transient or steady-state conditions in horizontal or sloping aquifers.

Free Aquifer Test Analysis Software

Contours of water-table elevation showing mound from rectangular recharge source overlying sloping unconfined aquifer (graphic exported directly from MOUNDSOLV).

New features in MOUNDSOLV v3 include 2D and 3D solutions for mounding in perched aquifers by Khan et al. (1976), an option to record animations and other enhancements.

MOUNDSOLV is a standalone software product and functions fully without a copy of AQTESOLV or any separate graphics software.

Aquifer Test Analysis Software

Get more information or request a demo to learn more about the MOUNDSOLV software for groundwater mounding analysis. Order now!